Monday 30 January 2012

The purpose of this blog is to give a small insight in the DECEIT, BACK STABBING, FRAME UP'S, POLITICAL, POLICE AND JUDICIARY CORRUPTION IN MALTA.

Below are copies of correspondence that took place between Joe Gaffarena and Daewoo in Korea. These were written soon after Joe Gaffarena sold (15th September 1997) his interest in the partnership he had with Joseph Mary Scicluna (Honorary Philippine Consulate in Malta) and March 1999.

It was not enough for Gaffarena that he received a very generous payment in cash, bank payments, property and other assets. This correspondence speaks volumes and reveals how he did his utmost to try and gain back an interest in the Daewoo agency by steam rolling over his ex partner.

 It confirms the corruption, deceit and extent that people such as Joe Gaffarena, Joseph Mary Scicluna and EU Commissioner John Dalli will go to. They consider themselves to be above the law and act accordingly.

Gaffarena sold his interest in the partnership with JM Scicluna on the 15th September 1997 and ten days later on the 25th September 1997 BOV approved the loans and overdrafts and allowed the partnership to be dissolved. BOV approved the loans knowing that the agency agreement with Daewoo had only just over a year left to run. At the time John Dalli was a Consultant for the company. It is obvious that BOV was influenced in their decision.

Ellul Grech had resigned from the company as accountant and reported the serious irregularities to the Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami and the Police after his resignation in January 1999.

It was the 15th November 1999 when Ellul Grech was arrested. Joe Gaffarena gave his false witness against him on the 30th November 1999. It is evident there was collusion to fabricate evidence against Ellul Grech.

Joe Gaffarena Sues J.M.Scicluna

Joe Gaffarena Writes to Daewoo Dated March 1999

Joe Gaffarena Writes to Daewoo Dated 22 November 1998

Joe Gaffarena Writes to Daewoo Dated 29 September 1998

Joe Gaffarena Writes to Daewoo Dated 20 September 1998

Joe Gaffarena Writes to Daewoo Dated 21 August 1998

Joe Gaffarena Writes to Daewoo Dated 8 August 1998

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